Friday, October 09, 2015

If you are in a passive aggressive marriage, the damage is real...

If you are in a passive aggressive marriage, the damage is real...

 and we know how to repair it.

Perhaps you were too young? Never realized that the small put downs and "funny" public humiliations were for real? and that they would be constant, regardless your protests?

If you think passive aggressive behavior is the cause of your unhappy situation there are steps you can take to manage its impact on your life. You can learn the conflict resolution skills you need to manage your life again.
Do you want to deepen your relationship with your loved one? Do you want to stop the confusion you feel about your love life? Do you want to regain some of the connection you had when you first fell in love? Of course you do! And, you can learn how today by following the easy steps outlined in this e-book.
If you are ready to break free of the chains of emotional bondage, if you are tired of feeling humiliated and alone, if you are ready to take control of your emotional well-being once and for all, then this e-book is for you. Get more info at

Friday, August 28, 2015

Why are now more complaints about passive aggression?

 Why are now more complaints about passive aggression?

Want to share with you my last post. I try to discuss about how to understand why there are so many couples suffering from emotional abuse and passive aggression...What happens when people don't know how to show love?

If you would like to discuss and read what other women are posting, go here:

Your voice is needed at this conversation!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dealing with Passive Aggressive Personalities: Do Men Ever Get Their Needs Met?

Dealing with Passive Aggressive Personalities: Do Men Ever Get Their Needs Met?

Now, we invite you to read the follow up:

A New, Free Book: "The Man's Brain Missing Manual"


"The Man's Brain Missing Manual"

You can get it NOW, FREE, at